More and more travelers are returning home missing something of significance, according to a national survey on traveling with jewelry conducted by Jewelers Mutual Insurance Group.
The survey found that since 2015, the number of people reporting fine jewelry being lost or stolen while traveling has doubled.
According to the study, 20 percent of people have experienced loss or theft of fine jewelry when traveling, which is up from 10 percent just four years ago. Twenty-seven percent of those travelers report losing their fine jewelry on the beach, and only 1 percent ever recover their jewelry that is lost or stolen on vacation.
"Travel continues to be a vulnerable time to misplace or have jewelry stolen. Travelers can and should insure their jewelry, and there also are steps travelers can take to minimize risk," said Don Elliott, director of Claims at Jewelers Mutual.
To prevent jewelry loss or theft, Jewelers Mutual – the nation's leading insurer dedicated to jewelry for more than 100 years and an expert in jewelry loss prevention – recommends:
Document: As you're packing, take a photo of the pieces you're taking with you. If you need to file a police report for any reason, this proof of ownership will be very helpful.
Carry It: Never put jewelry in a checked bag. Wear it or stow it in your carry-on bag and keep that bag in sight at all times.
Don't Post It: Avoid being an easy target. Don't share photos of your jewelry or where you are staying on social media.
Wear Wisely: Avoid wearing jewelry while swimming, especially in cold water where finger sizes can temporarily shrink.
Tuck Away: Never leave jewelry out in the open. Use the safe in your room or hotel vault.
Conceal Don't Reveal: Tuck necklaces inside your shirt, turn your ring to the inside of your hand and cover any bracelets or watches with a sleeve when in dangerous areas.
Button Up: If you're packing earrings, fasten them to an extra button to avoid them being separated or misplaced.
Suck It Up: Thread necklaces through a paper straw. This will prevent them from being easily misplaced or lost, with the added benefit of avoiding a tangled mess.