It’s never too early to start thinking about your New Year’s resolutions, especially after a busy month of holiday spending! For some, this might mean making goals to eat healthier, stop smoking, read more books, or lose some weight. For others — it’s all about saving money.
If you’re always looking for ways to save, the “52 Week Savings Challenge”is right up your alley. Here’s how it works.
The challenge demands you save a certain amount of money every week (hence, the number 52). The catch is, the number of dollars you put away weekly will change from week to week. There are three ways to complete this challenge:
This is the traditional way to do the challenge. You’ll start with Week 1, saving $1. On each subsequent week, you’ll save one additional dollar. So, on Week 2 you’ll save $2, on Week 3 you’ll save $3, and so on until you reach $52 on Week 52.
This is essentially the first option, but you’ll be headed in the opposite direction. It’s a good option if you want to feel like your savings endeavor is getting easier as the year goes on.
You’ll begin with $52 on Week 1, then on Week 2, you’ll reduce this number by one dollar (to $51). On Week 3 you’ll save $50, on Week 4 you’ll save $49, and so on until you reach $1 on Week 52.
This way’s a bit trickier. You’ll be alternating between even-numbered savings amounts for the first half of the year and odd-numbered savings amounts for the latter half. The pattern will go like this:
Week 1: $2
Week 2: $4
Week 3: $6
Until you get to $52 at week 26.
Week 27: $51
Week 28: $49
Week 29: $47
Until you get to $1 on week 52.
Stay motivated and keep your eyes on the prize by planning to use the money you save for a particular purpose, such as a vacation.
At the end of 2019 and the “52 Week Savings Challenge,” you can have even more in your pocket if you use these tips for cutting back in small ways:
We’re always looking for new ways to help you save for the important things in life. If you try the “52 Week Savings Challenge” for yourself, let us know what you think! And don’t forget to check back often for more tips and tricks on saving big for you and your family.